In Autumn, there are 2 types of features you can create: boolean and metered. When defining a boolean or metered feature, the id you enter is what you’ll use to check whether a customer has access later on.

Configuring a metered feature

For metered features, you need to pass in:

  1. One or more event names
  2. An aggregation (either COUNT or SUM)

When calculating the usage of a metered feature, Autumn will first filter all events by event_name, and then either COUNT or SUM over them.

  • COUNT: This aggregation simply takes the count of events
  • SUM: This aggregation will sum based on a property you specify as shown below. This property should be passed in the properties field when sending an event.

Example of sending event with property

In the example below, if there is a metered event minutes which sums over the property length, then the following event will increment the metered feature by 2.

await fetch('', {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer <token>', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
  body: JSON.stringify({
    "customer_id": "cus_123",
    "event_name": "minutes",
    "properties": {
      "length": 2